Trump – WTF !?!
<script async src=" Trump. WTF?! Really. Trump portends that the rest of us don’t understand what is Actually going on, and that his Version of Events is more accurate, and that others, (Macron, Zelensky) do not represent the actual Facts of the Matter. Really, WTF?! When Macron corrects Trump during a White House press conference that Europe did not Lend, but Actually Gave Ukraine foreign Aid, Trump wiggles his fingers, nods his head, and blinks, as if, that’s Not So. After Macron corrects Trump, Trump says (Remarkably), ‘if you believe that it’s o.k. with me’. PBS Really, WTF? How nice that the President gives us all Permission to believe the Truth. In what the Wall Street Journal calls a ‘Sad Day’ , the United States voted with Russia, China, North Korea, and Belarus against a UN General Assembly resolution ca...